Sunday, April 1, 2012

Time to start hitting the road hard. The 3700plus mile ride over 49 days is rapidly approaching.Weather here has been good and the days long  enough to get off the rollers for the most part. I can still get in an extra hour on the rollers in the dark on the porch before work to add to rode miles or to keep from getting totally shut out if bad weather or unforeseen work issues preclude early release. Despite getting a new very light and very attractive carbon aero black and white Cervello for Christmas, (one of those from me to me gifts that are hard to beat) my favorite new toy in the last few years is my Bose noise reduction head phone set. Most are sold to frequent flyers. Spending $300 only to not find them on the day of one's occasional plane ride is the kind of thing that drives me nuts.To use them every day on the rollers was heaven. I was actually looking forward to the workouts.

white oak quercus albus
This is a really nice day here in middle Georgia. No April fooling. In fact unlikely to be nicer anywhere else on the planet. 58 to 72 degrees on 5 and 1/2 hour ride. No wind. I hate wind (more on that later). For the first time this year, in fact, the first time ever, I am doing back to back to back centuries (100 mile rides) over 3 days. I did not find anyone to ride with, my 2 main training partners are out of town. Therefore no one to jaw with and I had to deal with my own internal demons. Luckily conditions were such that I was able to keep the Irish angst at bay on the newly leaf canopied country roads. When last on these roads the trees were bare and subtle. Today the new leaves were stunning. That pale green color, particularly on the white oak trees, is my absolute favorite. The contrast between no canopy the last time I was there and the ride today was as shocking as it was beautiful. Very little traffic with the locals at their idea of Sunday worship.The birds were loud to the verge of hysteria and the smell of honeysuckle, banana shrub and tea olive alternated though out most of the ride. It is very unusual to smell them all on the same day. Thank you birds for the dropping the seeds of the former and thank you people for planting the latter two. None of these plants are native and it not too hip to say you love them which I do.

banana shrub fragrant michelia figo

I rode the carbon bike. Though light, stiff and fast I do not like it as much as the Serotta.which is titanium and more than 10 years old. It has perfect no hands handling, light enough and quiet. I hate noise more than I hate wind. The carbon makes one noise or another. So far I can not shut it up. Back to bike store tomorrow. I am so glad I got it at the local shop and I bring it in regularly.  Pretty soon they're going to wish I had bought it on ebay. Right now whenever I stand it creaks as bad as octogenarians on their second honeymoon. I often hear that same noise in the pack and I fear it will never be silenced.

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